by Silvana Siskov | Feb 2, 2021 | Immune
Immune-Boosting Journey: How Your Immune System Can Fight Against COVID-19 Nowadays, the Covid-19 pandemic remains a leading challenge around the world. Incorporating positive and healthy lifestyle habits into your life is, therefore, more important than ever. A...Thank you for signing up to this course. Please check your inbox and spam emails.
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Are you one of those women who feel exhausted, experience hot flushes, having trouble sleeping, having mental fog and low sex drive or started to gain weight? Just as you finally reached the point in your life when you feel most confident about yourself, than this happened? And the most annoying thing is that you don’t even know how long it’s going to last.
A healthy, balanced diet can make big difference in your life right now in addition to some lifestyle changes.
I offer a 6 weeks programme specifically targeted for women who experience menopausal symptoms. In this programme you will learn how:
-Balancing your blood sugar level can help you to lose weight and feel more energised.
-Making simple lifestyle changes can help you reduce stress and maintain healthy weight.
-Eating right and including essential fats and fibre in your diet can support your weight loss and balance your hormones.
Are you fed up with yo-yo dieting? Do you feel like you’ve tried every single diet but nothing has worked? Do you lose a little weight but then put it back on again pretty quickly? Are you going through your mid-life thinking it’s normal to carry extra weight – especially around the middle? Do you want to be slim and full of energy, just like you used to be? Do you want to be able to tackle your cravings and feel more in control of your eating?
It’s really not your fault that you have been struggling to lose weight. You’re probably totally confused by the conflicting information in the media and even the vast number of different diets you COULD try (after all, they can’t all be right).
The weight loss solution I offer combines the science of what to eat with the psychological aspect of why you eat as you do.
We’ll work together to create a meal plan you’ll love without having to starve or deprive yourself. We’ll also tackle the mindset because, often the main reason diets fail is not because the advice given is necessarily wrong but because you are not also dealing with your relationship with food. Work with me and you’ll receive support and motivational help through coaching, which will enable you to make the best choices to make you both healthier and happier.
Click Here to book a free call to see if my approach might be right for you!
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Do you wake up in the morning and you still feel tired? Do you try to stay awake by drinking coffee or eating sugary foods?
Does this sound like you?
Following my programmes can help you feel more energised and you will receive support as long as you need it.
Are you feeling tired all the time? Are you slowly putting on weight for no apparent reason or maybe you’re losing weight unexpectedly? Or you maybe suffer from insomnia? Or hair loss, brain fog, or irregular periods? Perhaps you just feel that something is not quite right, but you can’t put your finger on what’s wrong?
I know what it’s like to feel this way, I’ve been there myself I have hypothyroidism, but I used the knowledge I have gained during my nutrition training to turn my health around.
The thyroid and adrenal glands are closely connected. It’s important to understand this and take care of both.
My programme will help you to do just that. The change won’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen if you stick to the plan.
Your hormones control your mood, weight, hair, skin, sleep, appetite, sex drive and even your mental functioning. Do you feel bloated, irritable, tired or have irregular periods? Do you have brain fog or feel fatigue? Do you experience mood swings? Do you want to feel better in your own skin?
Improving your diet and making some simple lifestyle changes is often all you need to turn things around. I’ll help you to identify what changes are needed to both your diet and lifestyle.
Click here to book a free call for my top tips on how to balance your hormones naturally!
Have you been diagnosed with diabetes type 2? Has your doctor told you that you need to be careful what you eat, but you are unsure what’s the right food for you? Are you worried about your health?
This programme will be tailored specifically for your needs. You’ll gain plenty of knowledge regarding good nutrition that will help you to create a food plan without feeling deprived from all the food you love. The programme is designed to educate you about the types of food that help your blood sugar level and the type of food that you should avoid. We will focus on the areas of your life you need to change to look after your health in the best way possible.
Are you one of those women who feel exhausted, experience hot flushes, having trouble sleeping, having mental fog and low sex drive or started to gain weight? Just as you finally reached the point in your life when you feel most confident about yourself, than this happened? And the most annoying thing is that you don’t even know how long it’s going to last.
A healthy, balanced diet can make big difference in your life right now in addition to some lifestyle changes.
Using professional software I’ll analyse your food diary in order to find out how good your diet is. The software will analyse your diet and provide accurate information on how well you are meeting your dietary requirements. This will help us both to better understand what nutrients you are lacking in your diet and how you can improve your overall health.
Click Here to book a free call to see if my approach might be right for you!
Do you think you might have an intolerance to specific foods? Do you feel bloated or constipated? Do you experience fatigue, headaches, rashes or stomach cramps? Would you like to find out what foods are contributing to your symptoms and making you feel ill? A simple blood spot test you can do yourself at home can give you all the answers, saving the time and effort of trying to figure out which foods might be the culprit.
Click here to book a free call to discuss food intolerance testing!
Ultrasound cavitation is a cosmetic treatment that helps with inch loss. It is a painless, non-surgical fat removal procedure.
Ultrasonic waves break down fat cells. Other tissues such as internal organs, blood vessels and nerves are unharmed. Once the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, the released fat is turned into liquid and goes to liver. From liver it is removed from the body through urine.
Each treatment lasts 30 minutes and there is no downtime.
It is essential to begin hydrating yourself before and after your treatment. The recommended quantity is at least 2 litres of water – 1 litre before treatment and 1 litre after treatment; this helps to flush the toxins away which are released as part of the treatment.
You are required to carry out exercise or lymphatic massage after the treatment. It will help to drain the fluids and will help speed the process up. Example of suitable exercise is about 20-30 minutes brisk walk or 10 minutes on a vibration plate.
It is also recommended to be on low carbohydrates diet for the first 72 hours after treatment, drink plenty of water and do some mild form of exercise such as a brisk daily walk. Exercise helps to move the lymphatic system as the lymph valves are in the muscles. After this period it is not necessary to follow any special diet, but a balanced diet, regular mild exercise and proper hydration is recommended to prevent
You’ll receive nutrition advice to help you follow a healthy and balanced diet.
In order to have our ultrasound cavitation treatment, you must confirm that you are over 18, and do not have any of the following conditions (including variations and mild forms) :
This list is not exhaustive, please call 07554 661 717 if you have any questions or concerns.
The most common problem areas are the buttocks, abdomen, love handles (flanks), saddle bags (thighs), upper arms and inner knees.
Reduction of cellulite, reduction of localised fat deposits, blood circulation and metabolism stimulation, smoother skin.
It has to be at least 72 hours between sessions so that the body has time to eliminate the fats.
Click Here to book a free call to find out more about non-surgical fat removal
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